Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Full Thursday

Started my day with the new Knorr borbor which Dave gave to us as sample. Wasn't quite happy with it but good enough.

Lunch time, our team went to Cafe Paris since two of our colleagues are leaving. It was my first time to eat there, not so fab but good.I ordered fish cake though.

On my way to a meeting, saw the blue X stand banners of San Mig Light and believe me, I never felt so happy to see an X stand banner until that moment. Immediately, I sent a group text to the pinoy mafia! I want San Mig Light!
On the way home, Dave, Eric, Mikey and I went to KFC along the riverfront area for dinner. Each had our own 2 piece chicken except for Eric.

After which, we walked along the riverfront looking for those San Mig Light X stand banners. Checked the prices until we bumped into Jun of San Miguel. Luckily, he offered us 1 free bottle of San Mig Light! Winner!!
Before coming to Cambodia, it was my favorite drink. Or let's say that's my preferred drink, especially back in college. San Mig Light reminds me those Thursday nights at ICs bar in Los Banos.

It was indeed a full day for me. Hope to hit the gym soon!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nettie and her Luau party

Nettie, as she is famously called, is off back to Oz land on March 1. Just the thought of it already makes me sad...but thanks to skype, we can still catch up online.

First heard of Nettie through Philippe when they were setting up their band. Knowing that she's half Filipina made me excited and eager to meet her. And the long wait arrived during P's bday party in Siem Reap. That was just the start.

More girls night outs followed, especially when I met Jessie (lead female singer of Cambojam). Undoubtedly, my siem reap visits are all awesome...and the more I wanted to go there even if its a 6-hour bus ride.

Now that Nettie's leaving, Jessie and I planned a surprise Luau party for her and would like to thank the following:

to Ryan and Beck for dressing up our girl for a mocked up photoshoot.

to Mourad for the discount on our sosyal cake

to our guests who kept our secret

who graciously attended

and kept up with the theme

to Tyler and Erwan for an impromptu performance

to Fabien



and Ryan for jamming

and to the girls for planning everything.

Goin' to miss you Nettie girl.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday the 13th 2010

Time flies so fast that we didn't realize that it's Fly's first anniversary already. Thinking about it, Fly has been a witnessed to so many unforgettable and crazy events. But yesterday's celebration was no exception.

"the man behind FLY"

After getting enough booze, the group headed to Riverhouse lounge where a female DJ controlled everyone's moves. Felt like I was in BKK coz of the techno music playing the whole time.

Come 2am, we headed to our usual after party eating place and had bobo (porridge). Then our friends suggested to get sugarcane in Takmeo sinces its Chinese New Year and its a sign of good luck. Me and Franco immediately agreed. Besides, there's nothing to do, right?

Arrived in the sugarcane place in 15 minutes and was surprised when we saw these...

We (Franco and me) thought we'll just drink sugarcane juice...but I guess not.

Noh bought two palms of sugarcane and we headed to the temple area to offer incense...and ask for blessings

Every once in a while, the gong is played which gives cue to the people outside to shake the sugarcane. (Felt like this was palm sunday). And here's Noh and Franco shaking it.

They say getting this done three times is enough. So what will happen after? We had to bring the sugarcane back to Phnom Penh. How? Don't ask but yes, it's here in PP.

Happy Chinese New Year!!

CNY Hair

I've been meaning to get my hair cut...or even get a new hairstyle. So after checking possible cuts like:


(prefer this.. ).

Now, the end result is............

and been trying to get used to this short hair.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Sorry isn't the hardest word to say

Lately, or let's say for the past exciting moments of my life, I've been getting apologies. These can range from small to big hurtful things. Nonetheless, I still have to move on.

I know that there are certain things that we need to apologize for, especially if we really have offended/hurt someone. As for me, I sometimes or most of the time, let it pass and pretend that everything's okay. I mean, who would want to have an enemy, right? At the end of the day, we don't want to sleep thinking about the bad things that happened to us.

But, thinking about it, it's always good to hear someone sincerely apologizing. Nowadays, I think it'll be very rare to find someone like that. And those people who are like these, they are worthy to be forgiven.

Last night, got this long message of apology that is soooooooo funny. After a long tiring Monday, that message really made my day. But next time he'll say/do something wrong again, I got his permission to slap him.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Who would have thought that one movie can have most, if not all, damn good looking men and women of hollywood? This is a must to watch on the big screen, I hope!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Karen on a canvas

Made this (forcefully) when everyone in the office were asked to draw something to describe ourselves. Actually, I enjoyed doing this since its been a while since I did something artsy...and yeah...I can say this artwork is really special :P

so that's me...