Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Full Thursday

Started my day with the new Knorr borbor which Dave gave to us as sample. Wasn't quite happy with it but good enough.

Lunch time, our team went to Cafe Paris since two of our colleagues are leaving. It was my first time to eat there, not so fab but good.I ordered fish cake though.

On my way to a meeting, saw the blue X stand banners of San Mig Light and believe me, I never felt so happy to see an X stand banner until that moment. Immediately, I sent a group text to the pinoy mafia! I want San Mig Light!
On the way home, Dave, Eric, Mikey and I went to KFC along the riverfront area for dinner. Each had our own 2 piece chicken except for Eric.

After which, we walked along the riverfront looking for those San Mig Light X stand banners. Checked the prices until we bumped into Jun of San Miguel. Luckily, he offered us 1 free bottle of San Mig Light! Winner!!
Before coming to Cambodia, it was my favorite drink. Or let's say that's my preferred drink, especially back in college. San Mig Light reminds me those Thursday nights at ICs bar in Los Banos.

It was indeed a full day for me. Hope to hit the gym soon!

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